Friday, February 16, 2007

Winter Blues

Happy Friday everyone!

Did you know there's a website called --a place for those who get annoyed by everyday life?

Maybe it's Chicago's frigid winter temps and more snow expected tonight--just in time for the weekend (sigh) that is the cause of my grumpiness lately, but this website really spoke to me. So here are a few of my-- I really hate it whens….

I really hate it when I have to grocery shop and the outside temperature is 9 degrees/13 below with wind chill.

I really hate when I arrive at the checkout register and my bag of Fritos has a tear and the clerk doesn’t offer to send someone to replace the bag and then I say "That's okay, I don't need all the transfat," then I really hate it when I get home and suffer a transfat withdrawl and curse myself for not having demanded that new bag of Fritos.

I really hate it when my favorite pair of panties gets a tear because then I have shop for new ones and that means I probably have to buy a bigger size.

Writing related….

I really hate it when the characters in my current wip begin getting along too early in the story.

I really hate it when the ink cartridge in the printer runs out in the middle of printing off a book.

I really hate it when I have to delete an entire scene because I came up with a better idea.

I really hate it when I keep mixing up the name of my heroes or heroines because I'm working on revisions for one book while at the same time pushing forward in another book.

Ah, that felt good! Thanks for letting me vent. Want to share your..."I really hate it whens?"

Marin Thomas
Nelson in Command (Jan 07)
Enter Marin's Rooster Contest at


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about the ireallyhatethat website. I will check it out.
I totally know what you mean about the cold and snow. At times I wish I lived on the west coast. It is cold in WV today!
Stay warm and have a great week-end.

bettye griffin said...

How'd you like to have to go out in those sub-freezing temperatures because you booked a signing six weeks ago??? Think of me tomorrow; I'll be freezing as I make my way down to Hyde Park.

About those deleted scenes, just because it doesn't work in one book doesn't mean it won't be perfect for another future story. So delete, but save it!

Bettye Griffin

Marin Thomas said...

Crystal, I lived in Phoenix, Texas and northern California (Bay area) years ago and that's what makes it so difficult to endure the midwest cold--because I remember the mild "west" winters!!

Bettye, good luck with the book signing! No, I don't envy you :-) But you'll probably have a great turnout. I think people are so tired of staying inside the past several weekends because of the cold that they're bundling up and making themselves go out somewhere just so they don't go stir crazy.

Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Can I really hate it when I have to get out of bed in the morning? LOL.

Ok, I really hate it when its 30 degrees out and I'm happy because that's about 30 degrees warmer than it's been the last few weeks? ;-)

I'm in Kansas - and SICK of the cold. Can we move on to summer already?

Marin Thomas said...

Tammy, yes, you can really, really hate not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, lol! I savor the weekends when I wake up and don't have to pop out of bed and get the kids going for school right away. I love those first few minutes under the warm covers :-)